Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth

March 12, 2024

Is Heaven on Earth about rediscovering True Love? You know the feeling right?

You know it, the one you've seen before in your visions and felt in your core.

Its the one that pushes you to strive every single day. To truly be seen!

You know the feeling;

~For your eyes only.

~I see you in all your loving essence and you see me in all mine.


Yes really imagine.....

Go where the feeling and your imagination lead you, when you start to remember, you feel it? So you now see it? That image that came to mind, that's communication, it can be nothing else.

It has come to you for a reason, to simply remember.

The memory of being so loved and in love and trust with another that nothing in the present day could break apart.

That's not only love, but safety.

In other words, your Sanctuary.

Now turn to look at the opposite, a present threat?

Whatever this may look like for you or the world at large.

How does that look?

You do not need to look too far do you?

No matter how many years you have lived this existence, we all carry our memories of choices made causing disruption to our sanctuaries. Whether those choices were made by us or those we love.

The protective veil that once made you feel safe, gone.

What in the name of temptation could this be? Could it be? Yes why indeed it is.

Herein lies the balance, the yin-yang, the black and white, the darkness and the light.


Sitting on the bridge between those polarities is a dear friend and foe we all know so well.


Look around my friends, she is everywhere. Sometimes subtle, sometimes loud and clear.

You feel her, you feel her pull everyday.

Should I?

Shouldn't I?

What if i did?


What if i didn't?

Which one will you choose?

Choice; The Loyal Defining Master.

How you choose every day defines your very reality and those existing within it.

You can choose to either annihilate or embrace, disrupt or enhance, ignore or pursue.

How do we know what to choose?

How does each option and outcome make you feel?

Will I hurt myself or my loved ones?

Is this choice in alignment with how I want to present myself to the world and to my self?

We were gifted with dreams, imagination and amazing foresight. Use these tools as your guide. Ask the questions, BE CONSCIOUS.

Am I aligning myself with my purpose?

You may not know what your purpose in this lifetime is yet and that's OK, that's a beautiful stage of discovery. You feel what resonates and what doesn't. Remember, what resonates with you may not resonate with others and that's OK too.

This is what it is to be human.

We all have the ability to manifest our desired reality and its fundamentally based between these two worlds and the way we navigate them with the choices we make.

What are you creating and/or what do you want to create in this lifetime?

Everything, including your decisions have a resonance you understand. Feel your way through it.

Embrace all it is to be human.

If you want love, choose it!





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Size Charts
Unisex T Shirts (Inches)
Length 24 28 29 30 31
Width 16.5 18 20 22 24


