Assisted Trauma Release

Assisted Trauma Release

In person, one on one private session.

By Recommendation Only.

Beneficial for trapped negative energies. Providing a Safe Space for Release. These sessions are mixed modalities depending on the nature of the trauma and how it presents itself during the session.
Modalities may include but not limited to;
Tarot cards, Oracle Cards (Air Element), Crystals (earth element), Candles (fire element), Crystal Bowl (water element) and Channeled messages (ethereal element), these can come in the form of intuitive energies from the reader or passed through via ancestral, higher self or collective energies.


Request Booking Form.

Please enter your name, email and the person who has recommended you in the message box. Someone will get back to you with a booking link and deposit will be taken to secure your session.


Please note: Full Cost of Reading is $120 for 2 Hours. A deposit of 20% will be taken via website to secure booking and remaining payable at the commencement of reading in Cash, Cash Deposit or PayPal. Details will be provided in Booking Confirmation. Please provide 24hours notice if you are unable to attend otherwise you will forfeit your right to a Deposit Refund.


Size Charts
Unisex T Shirts (Inches)
Length 24 28 29 30 31
Width 16.5 18 20 22 24


